New collaboration in 2024

new collaboration - Sound Postcard application I took part as a composer, producer and tester in the development of the Sound Postcard application, in collaboration with the "515kmOdry" foundation, the…

new single released  – dementiatrain

new single released - dementiatrain Check out my new single! 6th Oct 2023 I released dementiatrain. Hope you like it! check my albums back to NEWS back to HOME

few words about t dot est

from ONIONWAVE "March 29th marks the 88th day of the year and is also celebrated as Piano Day. To commemorate this occasion, t dot est has prepared a new recording.The…

aseedofu – new single with Magali

"aseedofu" - new single with Magali Check out our new song! Written by: Magali, t dot est Produced by: t dot est check my albums back to NEWS back…

new album released – FRMTHDSTNT

new album released - FRMTHDSTNT Check out my new album! FRMTHDSTNT is the next album from my dystopian thread This time the story is about traveling and exploring new galaxy and…

new album released – B in

new album released - B in Check out my new album! ”B in" is  inspired by short trip. It includes latest sound fascinations and few field recordingds from Berlin. Mainly…

latest show with my music

latest show with my music Some of my tracks were used for Ocelot Foundation acrobatic version of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Thank you for this beautiful experience. I’m…

new album released – DOT

new album released - DOT Check out my new album! „Dot” is a tribute to duality - connection between tradition and modernity, art and technology. Also, every track includes two…